WIKA Rekon


  • Total Solution by integrating  Construction Services with Operation & Maintenance Services in Industrial and Energy sectors.
  • Investment in renewable energy products to support energy efficiency and carbon intensity programs.
  • Becoming a leading Total Solution Company in Southeast Asia.


  • Implementing WRK’s Management System and GCG in all business activities
  • Balancing business portfolio through Investments in Renewable Energy
  • Optimizing the collaboration between SOE and WIKA Group to create a sustainable business
  • Enhancing competence, performance, and capacity building within Human Capital
  • Establishing business cooperation with strategic partners to create sustainable opportunities both in Indonesia and Southeast Asia
  • Implementing a digital integrated management system in business operations
  • Providing Construction Services which include detailed engineering design, procurement, construction, and commissioning in the Industrial and Energy sectors
  • Providing Operation & Maintenance Services in the Industrial and Energy sectors
  • Pursuing investments in renewable energy, with water heaters and photovoltaics as the main products


Rosman Pria Utama

WIJAYA KARYA REKAYASA KONSTRUKSI or WIKA REKON is subsidiary of PT. WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk, which focusing on Construction Services as well as Operation & Maintenance in Industrial and Energy sector. WIKA REKON invests on Renewable and Sustainable Energy through PT. WIKA INDUSTRI ENERGY or WINNER which is WIKA REKON’s subsidiary to participate in carbon emission reduction roadmap program. WINNER’s main products are Photovoltaic and Solar Water Heater.

Currently, we are conducting Operating and Maintenance of five Dual Fueled Gas Engine Power Plants and one Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plant spread across Eastern of Indonesia. Meanwhile, on construction services, we are ongoing conducts construction and commissioning for onshore and offshore of coal handling facilities on downstream mining areas at South Kalimantan totally sixty million ton per year capacity. WIKA REKON is targeting to expand similar business on other provinces.

In Industrial sector, we had successfully delivered of 1.500 ton per day Biodiesel plant and CPO downstream cooking oil plant, also has accomplished Merah Putih Catalyst Plant which is the First catalyst plant in Indonesia which fully developed by local Engineers, and it was one of successful National Strategic project in energy sector.

Going forward, by WIKA REKON’s vision: To be The Leading of Integrated Total Solution Company in Industrial and Energy Sector in Southeast Asia, we will continue to keep positive sustainable growth by delivering excellent services with utmost quality output.

We will continue to keep positive sustainable growth by delivering excellent services with utmost quality output 



November 18, 2008 PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) acquired PT Catur Insan Pertiwi to develop WIKA's EPC business, by controlling 70% of the shares and changing the company name to PT WIKA Insan Pertiwi.


WIKA's share composition to 90.04%. The company conducted a Joint Operation with WIKA to work on the PLTMG Project in Timor Leste, and obtained O&M work at the Borang PLTMG.


Change of the Company's business to a Company engaged in the Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) sector, so that the Company changed its name to PT Wijaya Karya Rekayasa Construction (WIKA REKON).

The company won the first project, namely the Oil Tank Farm Project from the Indonesian Oil Tank (IOT) in Tanjung Balai Karimun.

Acquired the Power Plant Project as a subcontractor from Wartsilla to carry out Civil, Mechanical and Electrical work at the Oecusee PLTMG Project, Timor Leste.

Trusted to carry out O&M work with PT Energy Prima Sejahtera at the Senipah PLTMG.


Getting the First EPC Project in collaboration with KSO WIKA PLMTG Package 3.


The company began to develop its business units by entering the Investment Sector, so that the Company's Business Lines also developed into EPC, O&M and Investment.

The company is trusted to work on the 1500 TPD Biodiesel Project in Batulicin, South Kalimantan.

Transfer of WIKA's O&M Division to WRK in line with the start of the Package 3 O&M Project.


WIKA REKON is again expanding its business by expanding into the Mechanical, Electrical, Piping (MEP) Field.

Acquired 3x5,000 and 1x10,000 DWT EPCC Jetty Projects.

The addition of the Company's capital by WIKA. So that the composition of WIKA's shares in WIKA REKON is 96.90%.


WIKA REKON took over 60% of PT Wijaya Karya Realty's shares in PT Wijaya Karya Industri Energi (WINNER).

Company's Management Structure

Board of Directors

Rosman Pria Utama

President Director

Place & Date of Birth:

Jember, 5 April 1971


• Senior Vice President Investment Operation - Investment Operation Division 
  PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (01/2023 - 05/2023).

• Head of Planning and Development Division 
  PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (07/2019 - 01/2023).

Fafan Khoirul Fanani

Operation Director

Place & Date of Birth:

Pasuruan, 31 Maret 1973


• Manager of Project Planning and Controlling, Infrastructure 1 Division
  PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (2017 - 2020).

Ika Rosmayanti Dewi

Finance, Human Capital & Risk Management Director

Place & Date of Birth:

Jakarta, 06 November 1978


• Expert 1 Transformation Office Dept. at 
  PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (2023 - 2024).

Hadi Irawan

Business Strategy & Investment Director

Place & Date of Birth:

Surakarta, 15 September 1979


• General Marketing Manager of Marketing Operations - EPCC Division
  PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (07/2020 - 05/2023).

• Power Plant and Energy Marketing Division Manager - Power and Energy 
  PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (02/2019 - 07/2020).

Board of Commissioners

Tri Prabowo

President Commissioner

Place & Date of Birth:

Boyolali, 31 Mei 1971


• Senior Vice President - EPCC Division
  PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (01/2023 – Present).

• Head of Division - EPCC Division
  PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (10/2022 –12/2022).

Marsda TNI (Purn) Dr Sujono, S.H.,M.H.,CFrA.


Tempat & Tanggal Lahir:

Kudus, 27 April 1963


• Expert Staff of the GeneralAttorney of the Republic of Indonesia (2021– Present).

• Lecturer at UPN East Java University (2021 - Present)

Ahmad Thonthowi Djauhari

Independent Commissioner

Place & Date of Birth:

Lumajang, 1 Januari 1971


• Expert Staff of the Minister of Transportation (2020 – Present).

• Assistant of the President's Special Staff in Communications Field (2018 – 2019).

Mira Rahardjo Djarot


Place & Date Lahir:

Paris, 6 April 1958


President Director
  PT Republika Media Mandiri (2021 2022).

• Vice President Director
  PT Republika Media Mandiri (2014 2020).

President Director/CEO
  PT Media Golfindo (2003 2014).

Secretary of Commissioners

Dhonny Ariyanto Sigit

Secretary of Commissioners

Place & Date of Birth:

Surabaya, 4 Juli 1982


• Senior Manager Subsidiary Management Dept - Finance Division
  PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (05/2023-Present).

• General Manager non infrastructure OP Investment Dept - Investment 
  Operation Division PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (01/2023-04/2023).

Committee of Audit

Antonius Aditya Cahyonugroho

Committee of Audit

Place & Date of Birth:

Bogor, 31 Maret 1973


• Manager Finance Sub Div - EPCC Division (01/2023 – Sekarang).

• Manager Sub Keuangan - EPCC Division (10/2022 – 01/2023).

Corporate Values

Kami memegang teguh kepercayaan
yang diberikan
  • Bertanggung jawab atas tugas, keputusan dan tindakan yang dilakukan.
  • Berpegang teguh keapda nilai moral dan etika.
  • Memenuhi janji dan komitmen
Kami terus belajar dan
mengembangkan kapabilitas
  • Meningkatkan kompetensi diri untuk menjawab tantangan yg selalu berubah.
  • Menyelesaikan tugas dan kualitas terbaik
  • Membantu orang lain belajar
Kami saling peduli dan
menghargai perbedaan
  • Menghargaisetiap orang apapun latar belakangnya.
  • Membangun lingkungan kerja yang kondusif
  • Suka menolong orang lain
Kami berdedikasi dan mengutamakan
kepentingan Bangsa dan Negara
  • Patuh kepada pimpinan sepanjang tidak berhalangan dengan hukum & etika.
  • Menjaga nama baik sesama karyawan, pimpinan BUMN dan Negara.
  • Rela berkorban untuk mencapai tujuan yang lebih besar.
Kami terus berinovasi dan antusias
dalam menggerakan ataupun menghadapi perubahan
  • Terus menerus melakukan perbaikan mengikuti perkembangan teknologi.
  • Cepat menyesuaikan diri untuk menjadi lebih baik.
  • Bertindak proaktif.
Kami membangun Kerjasama yang sinergis
  • Menggerakan Pemanfaatan berbagai sumber daya untuk tujuan bersama.
  • Memberi kesempatan kepada berbagai pihak untuk berkontribusi.
  • Terbuka dalam bekerja sama untuk menghasilkan nilai tambah.

Customers are our top priority.

We provide services that are :


On Time

On Time



For our customers