Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is the principles underlying The Company’s management processess and mechanisms based on laws, regulations, and business ethics. Quality implementation of GCG will create high accountability for Stakeholders, which The Company is very aware of. Hence, The Company consistently maintains a commitment to the effectiveness of GCG implementation.

WIKA REKON’s commitment to GCG implementation is indicated by the effectiveness of the Governance Framework implementation. WIKA REKON consistently and comprehensively implements the Governance Framework consisting of governance principles, governance commitment, governance structure, and governance process to encourage the achievement of Governance Outcomes in accordance with the expectations of WIKA REKON’S Stakeholders.


2007 Law Number 40 Concerning Limited Liability Companies

2003 Law Number 19 Concerning State Own Entreprises

Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 45 of 2001 Concerning amandment to Government Regulation Number 12 of 1998 concerning Limited Liability Companies (Persero)

Minister of State-Owned Entreprises Regulation Number PER-2/MBU/03/2023 dated March 3, 2023 about Guidelines for the Governance and Activities of Significant SOE Corporations

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